Tag: Activity/Task 6

SLJ/Summer Learning Journey (Summer Styles) Step it up Activity/Task 6

Talofa, welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to show you my step it up activity that I did. Here are the steps I followed, first I watched a video of Heather Brown art/tutorial. 2, for the create I had to, use the explore video to give you some ideas about what New Zealand Summer Styles artwork you’d like to create. Then create your own by hand or google drawing, I picked google drawing. Also I didn’t have any ideas so I just used the heather brown tutorial for my google drawing. There was also another option which I didn’t pick which was Download a copy of this one, if you open the link it will tell you to copy it and fill it with brilliant colours or gradient colours. The final task was to share it to our blog.

Here is my Summer styles Step it up activity

The one I did on google drawing