Tag: Science

Which ball bounces higher? Science

Greetings, I am delighted to share with you the details of our science class experiment. In this experiment, we aimed to determine how high three different types of balls bounce on two different surfaces, namely, concrete and carpet.

Members Divya, Felice, Shreeya, Mikey, and Ethan

Our experiment made use of a ping pong ball, an All Blacks yellow ball, and a tiny football. We hypothesized that the ping pong ball would bounce the highest on concrete, while the All Blacks ball would bounce the highest on carpet. We selected these balls based on their varying elasticity and springiness.

To conduct the experiment, we used specific equipment, including a 1-meter ruler, a pen or pencil, an eraser, and a friend to assist us in checking our measurements or holding the ruler or dropping the ball. We carefully selected a space that had a carpet on the ground and another space that had a ground or surface made of concrete.

Our method was precise and methodical. We held each ball right next to the 0 cm mark on our 1-meter ruler and dropped it without applying any extra pressure or force. We repeated this process three times for each ball on both surfaces, and we recorded the highest height that each ball bounced to on our piece of paper.

After conducting the experiment, we compared the results and determined which ball bounced the highest on each surface. Our findings were fascinating, and I am thrilled to present them to you in a scientific report. Additionally, we have captured some short videos and photos of us conducting the experiment.

I hope you find this information detailed and informative!

Results –

Photo of the results we have written on a sticky note.

The Results Of Our Experiment –

Outdoors – On Concrete

Ping pong ball – 19 cm

Football – 51 cm

All Blacks ball – 67 cm

67 cm > 19 cm

Tallest: All Blacks ball (67 cm)

Shortest: Ping pong ball (19 am)

Indoors – On Carpet

Ping pong ball – 29 cm

Football – 49 cm

All Blacks – 64 cm

64 cm > 29 cm

Tallest: All Blacks ball (64 cm)

Shortest: Ping pong ball (29 cm)

Thanks for reading


Make a ramp – Scientific Report

Kia Orana, welcome back to my blog.

Last week on Tuesday in period 2, AlT were in science class and we did a fun task with ramps, we didn’t use ramps but we used things to make ramps. My group and I had so much fun making the ramp and testing how far the marble and ping pong ball goes.

Title: Ramp it up

People in my group: Ethan, Shreeya ( Me ), Felice, Divya

Hypothesis: I thought that the big one would go further

Equipment: 5 boxes (Image below), a long red cushion, a ping pong ball, a marble and a 1-meter ruler.

Method: First we had to gather the stuff we need

We could use any stuff that was in the classroom

Once we gather the stuff we build our ramp

Then we try it out

Finally, we rolled both of them again and found out which one was bigger

Results: My group found out that the smaller one which is the marble went further.

Here are the images of the result and a photo of what our ramp looks like

We also made a video but the video size is too big so sorry about that

Here are the 2 photos

Thanks for reading, and I hope you liked it bye.

Paper Plane Experiment – Science

Talofa, welcome back to my blog.

Today we had a science class for 2 periods and this is the 2nd period. AlT, which is my class had to make paper planes today. Read what we did today below.

In the first 1st period we had to make our paper planes, but before doing that, we searched what a “fair scientific experiment fair test” is. Find out what it means by clicking on the link.

Then the teacher separated 4 people into a group, in my group I had, Felice, Yance, Tyson and I. We were good teammates and enjoyed doing the task together.

Next, the teacher gave us a big piece of paper and a small piece of paper to make our paper aeroplane. We had to make our paper planes the same design or else the point would not be counted. Tyson and Yance searched for ideas on Google and Felice and I made the paper planes. 

Once everyone was done making their paper planes we went outside to have a test run. Once we had a couple of tries we started the real competition of who will win. Do you think my team will win? If you think that we will win comment down your answer.

In the 1st round we did my group came 3rd, and then in the 2nd round we came 4/5. If you wrote in the comment that we didn’t win you are right!. We actually came 4th or 5th place. Once we finished the task, the bell rang for play so we went to play.

Once it was time to come back to class for period 3, the teacher told us the write a brief of what we did on that day. My group made a Canva presentation. I hope you like the task we made on Canva. Kakite! bye.

Here is our brief about what happened on the day

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