Tag: Reading activity

12 Days Of Christmas Cloze Reading Activity SLJ (Kick Start)

Howdy welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to share my 12 Days Of Christmas, as you know today is Christmas Eve and tomorrow is Christmas so I did this 12 Days Of Christmas activity. Did you know that, In 2015, the world’s first Christmas card commissioned by Sir Henry Cole in 1843 sold for £8,469 ($10,513.84).

Here is my 12 Days Of Christmas Cloze Reading Activity

Why we shouldn’t use the internet that much

Hello, welcome to my blog. This week in reading Seuss had a reading task to finish and that task was- Why we shouldn’t or use the internet that much.We had to make a Persuade about it and the Persuade is only the introduction.

Here is my Persuade introduction

I strongly believe that we should not use the internet that much. We should not use it that much because there are scams going on, random people who are chatting to you and can take your information about where you live and other stuff about you. They  can steal your bank account from your information that you give to them, and there are more things the internet can do. I think we should use the internet wisely and properly so we don’t get hacked or robbed.


Baseball Saved Us (Reading activty)

In reading time Mr Taylor where with his reading group and this time Mr Taylor decided to take all of his reading groups together. The groups all together were Suess, Dhal, Rowling and Mahy. All of the groups were together. All of us read a book from epic and it was called Baseball Saved Us.

Here is my slide show about Baseball Saved Us