Tag: DLO

Growth Mindset – Wānanga

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog! Today in Wānanga, we talked about this thing called a “growth mindset”. We had to write if we have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset, and then make a cool drawing to show it. I think I have a growth mindset most of the time, but sometimes I get stuck in a fixed mindset.

Definition of Growth mindset and fixed mindset –

So, a growth mindset means that you believe you can learn and get better at anything if you work hard. Even if you make mistakes, you can learn from them and get better. But a fixed mindset is when you think you can’t get any better at something, and you’re just stuck with the skills you have.


A website I used –

How To Create a Google Drawings Flowchart? A Complete GuideGoogle drawing – I used google drawing for my DLO



Here’s my drawing to show my mindset:

I hope you guys learned something new about the growth mindset today. It’s really important to believe in yourself and keep trying even if things are hard. Thanks for reading and see you next time!


Maths DLO about Reflection,Rotation, Translation and Symmetry

This week in maths Room 9 & 10 are doing a maths DLO about Reflection,Rotation, Translation and Symmetry. Our class had to make a presentation about Reflection,Rotation, Translation and Symmetry. If you don’t know about Reflection,Rotation, Translation and Symmetry is then here is my DLO about it.

Here is my presentation